Country Gal Finds Her Home

It all started back in the summer of 2016 when I was living in an apartment after my husband passed away.  I’m a country girl and I felt all confined in that apartment.  I did grow some flowers outside around my patio and that kept me going for a few years, but then I needed to be out on my own.  I told myself, “I think I’ll go to the bank and see if they will give me a mortgage so I can buy a home in the country.”  So I did … and they would … so the hunt was on.

original landscaping

As most closings go, it took much longer to close on the house than I had hoped for.  I wanted to be able to work up a small garden area to move the perennials that I had growing outside of my patio, but, that was not to be.  So my niece said to bring the plants out and plant them in her garden and then we’ll move them back in the spring.  So that is what I did. 

I was blessed with many friends and family that helped me move into my new home.  It was hard to believe how much “stuff” I had in that 2 bedroom apartment!!  Now my cat, Patches, and I had a new place to hang our hat and a place to call our own.  I could hang pictures where I wanted…. Paint any color I wanted … And make as much noise as I wanted!!  What a great feeling.  I was free of all the rules that go with living in an apartment.

In my next post I will begin to share with you some of my adventures of living in my new home on my one-acre homestead.  Until then, may God Bless you and yours and I’ll chat with you again real soon.

2 thoughts on “Country Gal Finds Her Home”

  1. Lou Alice Avellino

    We were SO lucky to finally get you into a GREAT home! I love it out there too and can’t wait to visit this summer when life is better and your gorgeous gardens are in bloom!

    1. Hi Lou, I’m still trying to learn how to do things. I have answered your comment 3 times and it did not register, so I’ll try again. I thank you for sticking with it and keep pushing on my purchase offer. I love my home and all my land. Keep well. Grandma

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